
Family law deals with matters of significant impact on family relationships, particularly adoption, divorce, custody, and abuse.

Limited Scope Representation: How It Can Work in Simple Divorces

In Travis County, hundreds of family law cases involve pro se litigants (persons who represent themselves without the aid of a licensed attorney). Many pro se litigants are left to file petitions and make their own appearances because they are unable to afford representation. Some areas of law are very technical, and it is difficult for a non –attorney to effectively handle these areas. Furthermore, understanding the nuances of Texas Civil Procedure, as well as the Texas Family Code without having the appropriate background can be a daunting task for most. The assistance of an attorney can help alleviate these issues. Limited scope representation allows a person to retain an attorney to help with part of a case, while allowing them to handle other duties. The attorney charges a smaller retainer fee to handle portions of the case, as opposed to a larger sum if he or she was contracted to fully represent he client.

Limited scope representation is usually feasible in certain situations. Such cases include:

Limited scope representation is usually feasible in certain situations. Such cases include:

  • Uncontested (agreed) divorces with a moderate amount of assets, as well as a smaller estate.
  • Divorces involving custody for children where the terms, visitation and rights and duties are agreed upon
  • Agreed upon terms for modifications of existing orders regarding visitation, custody or child support

In summation, limited scope representation works when both parties are cooperative and willing to come to an agreement regarding the terms of a proposed order.

However, it is important to discuss all the details of the case with an attorney before making a decision on which parts are handled by the attorney, and which parts are handled by the client. Unforeseen issues may arise and only a skilled attorney may be able to identify such matters. A client must never make assumptions based on what they have seen on television shows or in news stories. Clients must be willing to communicate with their attorneys in order to work towards a resolution.

This article is not meant to be taken as legal advice. If you have any questions regarding Limited Scope Representation, please consult with a licensed Family law attorney.